The DJs of the live band Bouken for Je Trowfeast are Bruno Mars (39), as well as Genoeg, Merle and Nibo Hogar. Jennifer Lopez was the pop star’s wedding planner in 2020 when she met Europe’s hottest star, Alex Rodriguez.
Het huwelijk van J. Lo en haar toenmalige verloofde mocht wel wat kosten, maar dat collega-artiest Bruno Mars vijf miljoen dol – zo’n 4,8 miljoen euro – wou crashenmet een kort optreden tijdens haar avondfeest, vond zelfs Lopez te gortig. Wedding planner Marcy Blum, 71, is about to have a baby. This was aimed at escaping through the Zangeres door.
“Toevallig had the same love for himself as Bruno Mars.”, zegt ze. “Jennifer was able to respect her own opinion, plan and plan. Ze vond het degoutant en beelachelijk veel”
Leeds Oak. Jennifer Lopez enjoyed meeting Ben Affleck: ‘The plan was in a world of its own’
Uiteindelijk zou het huwelijksfeest zelfs niet doorgaan. The situation was the most difficult due to the coronavirus pandemic, and the relationship between Lopez and baseball officials later deteriorated. Dana Trude Lopez met actor Ben Affleck and they have a mutual interest.
Artiesten rekenen vaker flink door voor privéoptredens. I was the one who fought against Mukesh Ambani and the representative of Ajie. Toen trad Rihanna works for 5,7 million euros. Justin Bieber’s fee is 9,6 million euros. (Tobe)
LEES OOK.Na pre-wedding, cruise fares are $10 million, and the best with Justin Bieber. It is the ultimate luxury word of India.