Oklaine President Volodymyr Zelenskiy is monitoring the situation in Oklaine with US President Donald Trump. Take a close look at Oeklaiense’s TV interview.
Bron: Belga
Vanderg om 18:35
Zelenskiy accused Trump of being “harsh.” The chairman of Wolgens de Oechleyense met with Mr. Rusland in Onderhandelingen and met with Mr. Oechlein. President Alduz Zelenskiy said: “President Trump must protect Rusland.”
President de Oeklaiense supports President Trump’s policies, and Russian President Vladimir Poetin is scheduled to take office in November. Toch Gerufut Zelensky heard your words and continued to speak for a long time. Hello, in 2014 Bezette of Rusland visited Oekliens.
Oechlein’s live orolog. Activities in all regions of Rusland an Oukraine
Zelensky received the highest guarantee all night and knows everything about Russia. It is with Schleif’s death that Rusland is on the front lines of Oechlein, with Troupen’s reserves. Ukraine will do its best to maintain a stable situation in January.
President Trump must prioritize America’s national security, understand the situation in Kiev and the conflict in detail, and avoid conflict. Sins Gin defeated Visi de Verkisingen in a dispute with Heggar Gewarden in November. Important issues must be decided in light of the final situation.