V. Vijayasai Lady, Chief of the Juvajana Slamica Lutu Congress (YSRCP), announced on Friday, January 24, resigned from Representative Raja Saba and retired from politics on January 25. Vi Jayasai Lady, who is also the general affairs of the Senate Party, said he would not participate in other political parties.
Vijayasai Lady is currently the second term as Raja Saba, a member of the State of Aoon Dora Pradesh. YSRCP did not reveal the reason behind the decision of retiring from Raja Saba and retiring from politics, but it was clear that it was his personal decision.
In the post to X, Vijayasai Lady said: “This decision is completely my personal. There was no pressure. No one affected me.”
“I quit politicians. I will withdraw from Raja Saba on the 25th tomorrow (January). I will not join any political party. I resigned for some status, profits, and money. I don’t intend to do it, “he said.
Mr. YSRCP also thanked Prime Minister Nalendra Modi and Minister Amit Shah, who acknowledged him in State Aonsdra Pradesh. Please read this too | Ang Dora Pradesh has fallen into debt, and when Chandrabab Nideu’s net assets are approaching 1,000 CR, YSRCP announced with ADR reports on the most wealthy commercial.
67 -year -old Lady said, “I am particularly grateful to Prime Minister Nalendra Modi and Minister Amit Shah, who encouraged me for almost nine years, gave me immense power and courage, and gave me an evaluation in the Telg.” He said.
One of the leading political parties led by the State Prime Minister YS Jagan Mohan Lady said that the YS family, who lived and supported for 40 years for 40 years.