Looking for even more astrology insights? Read your body text” data-vars-click-url=”https://www.wellandgood.com/january-2025-monthly-horoscope”>January 2025 horoscope and your full body text” data-vars-click-url=”https://www.wellandgood.com/2025-romance-horoscope-astrology/”>2025 romance horoscope.
March 21–April 19
A deep emotional purging is possible for you today, body text” data-vars-click-url=”https://www.wellandgood.com/aries-personality-traits/”>Aries, and you don’t have to do much other than let it happen. The full moon lands in your fourth house of home and family, washing you clean of any frustration, trauma, or conflict you’ve experienced with a loved one. With your ruler Mars close to this lunation, be extra careful about letting yourself get triggered (or doing the triggering yourself).
April 20–May 20
Today’s overwhelmingly intense full moon lands in your third house of talking and thinking, so you may be potentially prone to emotional or angry outbursts, body text” data-vars-click-url=”https://www.wellandgood.com/characteristics-of-taurus/”>Taurus. The way to cope and make this lunation useful is to communicate your feelings. If you’re having relational drama, talk about it. If you’re trying to work through complicated feelings, write about it in your journal.
May 21–June 20
A powerful full moon in your second house of values might give you deep feels about whether you’ve “made it,” body text” data-vars-click-url=”https://www.wellandgood.com/gemini-personality-traits/”>Gemini. You might feel like these thoughts are testing your self-worth. Any money struggles you’ve experienced during the last six months might be on your mind, but let that stress go and move forward now without a shred of self-blame.
June 21–July 22
Today’s incredibly powerful full moon hits your sensitive stars, body text” data-vars-click-url=”https://www.wellandgood.com/cancer-personality-traits/”>Cancer, and this one’s a doozy. The moon is your ruling luminary, making all new and full moons an intense experience for you. This one is close to Mars, bringing an aggressive edge to the lunation. If you feel wildly out of sorts, now you know why! Give yourself time, space, and extra care to deal with anything that comes up today, and release burdens you’ve carried since your last birthday.
July 23–August 22
The full moon floods your twelfth house of secrets and dreams today, and you might be full of emotion, body text” data-vars-click-url=”https://www.wellandgood.com/leo-traits/”>Leo. You could feel heavy or overloaded, and the best thing you can do is expunge, release, and let go of what you no longer need. Listen to that inner voice; be guided by your intuition. And hey, cry it out if you must.
August 23–September 22
With a powerful full moon in your eleventh house of friends and groups today, your friendships could be dramatic and emotionally draining. A situation dating back to early summer could finally be resolved, body text” data-vars-click-url=”https://www.wellandgood.com/virgo-personality-traits/”>Virgo, and as painful as it might be to talk about it, it’s healthy to face it so you can let it go.
September 23–October 22
Today’s full moon speaks to any frustration or loss you’ve carried about your career during the last six months. Do your best to wring out any grief you still feel about a project or professional goal you didn’t quite meet. Jumping fully into the “new year, new you” vibe for 2025 requires properly processing what you’ve left behind, body text” data-vars-click-url=”https://www.wellandgood.com/libra-personality-traits/”>Libra.
October 23–November 21
A powerfully intense full moon in Cancer, your sister water sign, is the big news of the day. This lunation awakens your ninth house of spirituality, and it could make you feel quite emotional about what you believe in, body text” data-vars-click-url=”https://www.wellandgood.com/scorpio-personality-traits/”>Scorpio. Your worldview may have changed in the last six months, and this is the moment to check in with the values you hold dear.
November 22–December 21
With a powerfully purgative full moon lighting up your eighth house of transformation and intimacy, change is the only constant, body text” data-vars-click-url=”https://www.wellandgood.com/sagittarius-traits/”>Sagittarius. You don’t love being emotionally vulnerable, but you might feel you have no choice but to be honest about your most private feelings and desires. After releasing them, you’ll probably feel a whole lot better.
December 22–January 19
A powerful, provocative full moon lands in your relationship zone today, body text” data-vars-click-url=”https://www.wellandgood.com/capricorn-personality/”>Capricorn. Whether you’re single or involved, this lunation brings up the deepest of partnership issues, past and present. You may feel simmering old resentments come to the surface, but the good news is that you can finally purge and release them and move forward with a clean slate.
January 20–February 18
Today’s intense full moon in your house of work and wellness asks you to confront daily stressors and figure out real, healthy solutions, body text” data-vars-click-url=”https://www.wellandgood.com/aquarius-traits/”>Aquarius. You might find that you’ve held in your emotions for so long that they’ve settled somewhere in your body, making you feel physically uncomfortable. If the last six months have been challenging, this is your moment to gently wrench that tension out of your shoulders.
February 19–March 20
With a deeply emotional full moon in your fifth house of romance, you may find yourself wondering whether you’re experiencing the pleasure you deserve, body text” data-vars-click-url=”https://www.wellandgood.com/pisces-personality-traits/”>Pisces. During the last six months, have you truly enjoyed yourself? If not, this is the moment to let yourself feel that longing and then resolve to bring more love into your life in the coming months.