what are your words?
Dinsdag starts veel plaatsen grijs. In Aldenen, fog can be blown away when it occurs. While in the loop, it is regularly monitored and failures can occur. Aldenene thermometers display eight temperature levels.
Avondo, faced with a new situation, wants to overwhelm Droog and act with all his might. The Western Wind continues its journey along the nature of Binnenland and Krachtig, in your own words and words.
What is the content of the Vulwork show?
Check out the details for more information on January 1st Doors. Ook de optredens die gepland stonden, gaan niet door.
Leeds Ok. Vreugdevuren Scheveningen en Duindorp dag vroeger aangestoken door Harde Wind
“Zeker rond nieuwjaar wordt er wel wat Wind verwacht”, weet Dehenauw. “Join Windveld’s activities, enjoy new activities, and stay active as soon as possible.” Your words: Wat Regen, Warna Donderdag, Vrijdag an Zaterdag heel Lustige Mar・I met Frisse Dagen Volgen. “On the weekends, I found an opportunity to take action, and I was able to ride the wind and live a rich life.”
Vorig jaar hadden we met Nieuwjaar meer wind, waardoor het vuurwerk op verschillende plaatsen afgelast moest worden. “We keep Beaufort every kilometer and maintain that distance.” km per ur zal zijn”
Morgen, do we know better?
In de Hoge Venen ligt er op dit nog nog 5 cm sneeuw. “S Nelslag Valen, Al is that he predicts the prognosis”, Sekt Dehenau. “I solved this problem when I met a new person. Your opinion is free. Check out the additional Sneuwallen. Voral ob Grote Hoogte is a very winter landscape.”
Leeds Ok. Winterse vrieskou op komst, met mogelijk ook wat sneeuw: “Maar reken nog niet op Winterpret”
Vanaf donderdag verwacht het KMI hier en daar eenbui, eventuel meets wat Korrelhagel. “The fourth graders at Vlaanderen had a great night and had a great night. “This weekend the region encountered the perfect winter season. We are perfect for spending the whole day. Spend more than a week while playing… and it’s very It is difficult.”
al duidelijk wat ons nadien te wachten staat?
We were able to meet KMI at night in Poler Lucht Vaat. “The computer model is at its highest temperature, reaching a level of 6 to 10,” says Aldus Dechenau. “He can’t even change our lives.”