Het geboortecijfer is the most popular region in Olivia en Noa blijven in 2024.
Zullen er in Vlaanderen 2024 meer of minder baby’s geboren zijn dan de 63.030 van vorig jaar? In 2024, an elf’s life may be taken away, but in 2023, you can protect your own. 2023 will likely have the largest impact on 2022 by a single percentage. (See info graphic)
In 2024, we need to ensure that babies’ lives are not at risk. The most popular net zones are Noah (375 people) and Olivia (319 people). In the top five stats, he was up against Arthur (316), Jules (284), Leon (268), and Liam (267). Popular names are Olivia Emma (229), Louise (223), Mila (217) and Nora (216). In 2024, the result was 6 percent. In the top 10 he was up against Lewis (254), Adam (252), Finn (206), Lewis (200) and Lucas (200). Die van de meisjes met Lina (195), Noor (194), Ella (189), Marie (184) and Juliet (180).
The top 5 fan Vonamen in every state is zeer gelijkend. The people of Noah in Limburg hear the words of Matteo, who is among the top five in West Flemish, including René, Olivia, Juliet and Alice-Anne Cézanne.
Be kind and find traditional ways to achieve your goals. (argument)