de wiener van wensdagabond
See daphne agten zichself kronen tot des slimste mens van der aflebring. In the frenzy of the 21st we encountered the 482nd Strome and Rechtstreeks door.
De Vallieser
Mohsin Abbas went to see me. Abbas scored in 30 seconds, and Anastasia Chernuk scored in 10 seconds. You don’t have to forget everything while you breathe in. The comedian selects “Hetcollectieve geheugen” and collects all messages within 350 seconds.
Now, at the end of the final battle, have a great moment and remember the last moment you met Chernuk. At the behest of Abbas, understand the relationship between Antoide of Roquefort and Craig.
Do you want to start Stark?
Newcomer op Donderdag
Volgende is the week when Daphne Agten and Anastasia Czernuk join journalist Bo van Spielbeek.
best quotes
Eric van Rooy: “I have bent myself in my life. What is the word for a slim man?”
Anastasia Chernuk: “We think about how to live our lives. Do the optimal work. Soms zijn het twee apen met cimbalen die de lambada aan het dansen zijn. Ik weet nog niet go wat de vibe is.”
Van Rooy: “The Belgian people have cultivated love in Kyrgyzhi. Was it the land of Het Ein Leuk?”
Chernuk: “Ah…we met, Weg Jin.”
James Cook: “This is meeting Chimbaren.”
Van Rooy: “William, I’m really looking forward to this week.
William Boeva: “Oh, what’s up with this? I get the best of the gist and can pour the beer.”
Van Rooy: “Wat von je het ergust: Jeu bezouk bij mij tuis voor ‘komen eten’ ‘de slimste mens’?”
Boeva: “Daarvoor has knowledge of psychology.”
Van Rooy: “Anastasia, I can’t love myself, but please stop drinking. You have a great tolerance for alcohol. What about the Werke Heverheden Spreken? Kang Jae Een・Friends Drink Sonder Dat Je Yets Vault?”
Chernuk: “Totally dry… well, twee. Ik word ook niet zat. Open the door, the Oostbrock mob died, wiel heben gezopen van de Misley, and I’m huge He went to Tegen Kan.
Van Rooy: “Was Willen Jury guilty of Gekremerd Warden?”
Cook: “Okay, okay.”
Boeva: “NEET’s mar je wil tok erst staven?”
best anecdote
This week’s judge is William Boeva van de Candida Tenner de Jurist Gecatapultiado. James Cook’s words, “This is what I’m saying” are very important words. “Hey, ik durf het niet en ik ga het nooit meer durven. I will live my best life as the best in charge. Okay, Afghan, do something with me.”, Sekt・Cook.
“I, inquirer, altijid van tuis wit me te duen en dan denk ik: “Gone, I, I, nog no, heb gedan”. I can learn your program. “I need to understand the most important issues,” Cook said.
James Cook and his partners, Dorian and music producers, TV people and Simon Cowell have teamed up to bring you the latest information. The British attack the British for “very tough situations.” “I had a good sleep near the hotel.” Ik zei tegen Dorian: “Missien, ik ontodek. Cook begins to listen to what Broken says: “Shut up!”, imitating Cook. “I’m thinking of Simon Cowell, you get that.”
Moist moment
In the 3-6-9 Ronde, we look forward to “showing your best performance” as you enjoy 10 seconds of victory and enjoy classical music. Zowel Agten als Chernook Deden en verdiensterike posing. Abbas said: “I was Merken” Cook-Leak also decided to close the doors and move on. With enthusiasm, meet Agten and enjoy Lopen.
Maresier is tied to Jan Verheyen and Vanuit. Enjoy Candidaten in the toes of the Regenboog trap in Batu’s caves. “The LGBTQAI+ symbol is this: We can’t write letters, but can we write letters?”, luidde de vraag. Abbas visits Cernuk and Agten Walden Aan.
Van Rooy met James Cook and a friend of Uist from Antwood. “Het zijn er veel, hé,” Cooke received an LGBTQAI+ message. “We can speak words, but we use words… dan vind ik well dat we can read letters.”, evoking Agten, Go to a public place.
De Tussenstand
1. Daphne Agten (8 Afrebaringen)
2. Luce Pelz (6 Afleberingen)
3. Timon Verbeek (6 Afleberingen)
4. Bad Appeltans (5 Afflehringen)
5. Simon Mignolet (4 Afflebaringen)
information. “Slim Men Tha Weld,” Play4 at 9:15 p.m. Tussen 19 en 20 uur hoor je elke avond ‘Het Slimste uur’ op Play Nostalgie waar terug- en vooruitgeblikt wordt wordt op ‘De Slimste men ter wereld’.
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