Virreik –
What you find in Dubai’s Verenigde Staten in Singapore is not typical. This week we won the World Cheese Award, “WK van de Kaas” in Portugal.
“This is an unusual Geitenkaas of Slidinge, the word of the producer. Het Hinkelspel.”, zegt Frederic Van Tricht (42) van de bekende Antwerpse zaak Kaasaffineurs Van Tricht, Die tegenwoordig vanuit Wilrijk opereert.
“Biological knowledge is based on all research. Hij wordt gemaakt in een typisch Belgische stijl zoals abdijkaas wordt gemaakt.The hem is half-hard. De smaak stalig niet krijtig, zoals veel andere geitenkazen. Hij is heel toegankelijk, vlezig en beetje rokachtig I met a blonde girl who melts raclette.”
The World Cheese Award’s Best Medaille is the ultimate prize. “The jury weight was 4.786 million dollars, which is the best result. Dat je dan in één van de categorieën (Halfhalde Geitenkazen und Gewassen Coast, NVDR.) Can Winnen, Heer Mooi.”
“We support Van Des Cars. Our company exports to countries such as Dubai, Singapore, England, Deutsland, Abu Dhabi, Enzovoort, etc. Our products are available at the best prices in our supermarkets. We are able to offer products with features and special quality. I am interested in new things. It is very difficult for us to overcome. believes in logos and creates logos. Ik verwacht dus wel wat extra bestellingen”, Sekt van Tricht.
Export guarantees the safety of all horses. “In De Frusovran Hadden you can fly a total distance of 50 meters. Koninck plotted a distance of 600 meters. When exporting, make special preparations. In the new town of Wilrijk , we are at a distance of 1.400 meters. Please allow export.”, Clinckt Het.
De Cabriolait is located in Antwerp and has a particular preference for Koninck cheeses only.