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Title: Protection of women and girls in sports law
Vote Smart synopsis:
Vote to pass legislation that would prohibit school athletic programs from allowing individuals whose biological sex at birth is male to participate in programs intended for women or girls.
Prohibits school athletic programs from allowing individuals whose biological sex at birth is male to participate in programs intended for women or girls (Article 2).
Federally funded educational programs and activities that operate, sponsor, and promote athletic programs and activities that enable individuals of the male sex to participate in designated programs and activities are subject to Section 9 of the Education Amendments Act of 1972. I certify that this is a violation of the Act. Women or Girls (Section 2).
Title IX prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in federally funded educational programs or activities, including public elementary schools, secondary schools, and universities (Section 2).
The bill defines “sex” as being based on an individual’s reproductive biology and genetics at birth (Article 2).
Allows individual men to train and practice in programs and activities aimed at women and girls, provided such training and practice does not deprive women of commensurate opportunities and benefits (Article 2).
Requires the Comptroller’s Office to report on the benefits to women or girls in single-sex sports that are lost due to men’s participation. In particular, the report must document the negative psychological, developmental, participatory, and sociological effects of male participation on girls (Section 2).