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Title: Preventing violence against women under the Illegal Alien Act
Vote Smart synopsis:
Vote for legislation that would create certain criminal grounds for banning non-Americans from entering the country and expand the offenses that make non-Americans deportable.
Establishes certain criminal grounds for not allowing non-Americans to enter the country and expands the offenses for which non-Americans are subject to deportation (Article 2).
Provides that a non-U.S. individual shall not be admitted to the United States if he or she admits to or has been convicted of conduct that constitutes a material element of:
Child abuse.
Child neglect.
Child abandonment.
sexual crime.
Complicity in sexual crimes.
Violation of Certain Protection Orders. or
Domestic violence (including physical or sexual abuse, or patterns of coercive behavior when occurring within certain intimate relationships).
Establishes additional grounds for deportation and provides that under current law, non-U.S. persons with certain criminal convictions, such as domestic violence, stalking, and child abuse, are subject to deportation (Section 2). Article).
The bill specifies that any sexual crime (including crimes against minors) or conspiracy to commit a sexual crime shall be grounds for deportation (Article 2).
Expands domestic violence crimes that make non-U.S. nationals subject to deportation to include patterns of physical or sexual abuse, or coercive behavior when occurring within certain intimate relationships (Art. Section 2).