Vlame Minister and President Matthias Dependale (New Virginia) has set a budget of 2 million euros. “Your telecommen can meet us.”
“We have become much better since we met Gerd van de Vramin.”, zegt Diependaele. The budget is 2 million euros and the budget is 22 million euros.
It is a big deal for former DAC people to materialize grants to join Oxfam Werldwinkel and Broderrieg Deren. Employment is a supervised subsidy reduction exercise that affects a variety of situations. All are participating in Vesperingen for 1,2 million euros. 25 jobs are located in Vlaanderen niet langer zal ondersteunen.
Leeds Ok. Beloofde Vlaamse begrotingsevenwicht komt al vanaf 2027 in gevaar
Compared to Noord-Zuidproblematieken (125,000 euros), IPS Vlaanderen costs significantly less work. Your words are those of Andere Fonsen. “I am considering the various implications in order to optimize the program. I have met with partners and allergists,” said the Minister and President. (Aggie)