Leuven –
OH Leuven moe op zouk naar en nieuwe coach. Remember what Oscar Garcia (51) said and find out the consequences. Academy manager Hans Summers does not have to temporarily leave his contract with the association.
“We continue to love Haut Leuven. We will give everything we have,” said Garcia, who won the 1-1 match. The activities of the club were the daily activities and the best activities. During the intercontinental break, an interview with CEO Van den Steen took place.
Kun Top’s decision is Spanjal’s decision and cannot be made by the OHL.
Garcia is scheduled to face Marc Bliss in October 2023. I met the tactical Kenneth in the analysis of van de Spellerskeln. Nachon Ntsingi helped García Reuven with 10 goals.
Life in Barcelona goes beyond the Kwalite in Cologne until a certain spit. De onvrede en onrust was to do Groot na de zomer, waarin OHL investeerde in speller. Garcia and Kwaritet’s relationship begins. Death cheered Weru Gekomen, Michael Biron en Chukbuikim Ikwuemesi Zin Spitzen, the elders. Vertrouwen geven aan doelpuntenmakers kan de Spanjaard blijkbaar moeilijk, he made a statement and did not become a match, Dender was Druppel.
I met Bartrek Volgen Oak Assistant at an exhibition in Ruano. Glenn Klimput, OHL U16 Coach, Somers Visitor Tegen Union. Summers manager and interim manager, Zelf Nog Mar Enkele Manden, has committed to joining the club at Oud Heverlee.