Edegem –
Op 5 December leg, Andries Tjalma (CD&V) is a work by tweede schepen at Egegem. Organize any activity and organize activities and activities among communities. “Jen Jar Görden was a political activist and a new politician.
“Can you make a plan and make a plan?” I downloaded the CD and the video and was able to get a lot of information. Andries is infiltrating the political den. Zijn vader is a professor of art and zijn moeder apotheker. “I have been through more difficulties than ever before. Check out all the information and get the comments. Dan moe je me aan de terfel gaan sitten.”
“Ik ben ondervoorzitter van de Edegemse jeugdraad, was jarenlang groepsleider bij de recruits en bestuurslid bij jeugdhuis ‘Het varken'”. I am attending the Ben Penning Meester European Parliament in Qena. Check out CD and V info for all the info. ”
Andries met with Zic Voledig during the October 13th activity and met with 669 Volkurstemen. “I do not know what you are thinking. I take every action with full understanding. Just like Hebben Gegeven, every Mensen and every… People don’t die. I’m in Gerststellen on the other side. N-VA can see all the CDs and videos we meet. makes you a better person.”
1 op 10 left weapon
Prioritize the best infrastructure and manage it properly. With Andries’ initiative, it’s only natural that he would die in the army. “Edegem is een prachtige gemeente, de parel van de Zuidrand. Toch leven hier 1 op 10 mensen onder de armoedegrens. Daar moet verandering in komen”, zegt Andries.
“I, I, I, later, know Hollen. Ars Schepen vir ik heel aansprekbar gin. We are ten problems, one problem, one idea. , I ran into one problem: Deal Hey! I checked the slug situation.
tetris puzzle
Mr. Andries has a full-time job as a financial analyst for Johnson & Johnson, and also holds a job as a chef. “I put Tetris puzzles on a very important agenda. Gelukkig is about realizing your own activities yourself and being flexible to your own actions.”
“I respect my own will to succeed and motivate myself. Hear what you say. At the age of 25, I will live my life the way I want.” He cares about everyone.”
Andries van Zin Bader lives in Friesland. “Daddy, it started when I met Opgeben, and stop when I met Opgeben.” Belangrid on the heel is okay because his own body has bent. I am looking forward to interacting with the Heben Begelide family. Okay, this is what I know. Onlangs be ik verhuisd en had ik geen participated in the ladder lift. I understand everything through dangerous traps. “I say, decide your own actions, act according to your actions, check your actions.”
Cause of trouble
Mr. Andries must know all the package details and specify the appropriate information. “In Edegem you need to take injectables and in schepenen you need er ook een beurtrol.” “Do I know that your friend is your friend?” said Rahat Andries. .