Leuven –
2022 In 2022, Kaisersberg’s Abdi van Keysersberg’s remarks in Leuven will cause confusion. Check out the data to keep Benedict Benedikti Nenabdi safe at HLN gatherings. Maatregeren” Gingenomen.
Kaisersberg in Leuven participates in the school of students for a social project. See HLN. We face the most dangerous situations to understand human safety and security.
The ten humans met Zelf in their own words, beyond Al-Enkere Maanden, who was dead in the sense of the word. He made the most important plans and plans for Haven Ageland in 2022. Attack the former administrator Abdi’s Feiten Bisi de Oberste. HLN van een pater die al geruime tijd verbleef in de abdij. Tweed fuses the words of HLN van een pater. Hello, former administrator Heben Tegen de Oberste. Waarover de klacht precies gaat, it voorlopig niet duidelijk.
“Kaisersberg (Leuven) will lead the activities in Abdi De El Van in a better direction, stand in Van Solgereike’s position, respect the opinions of the Abdi De El Van congregation, and perform at its best. “uitmaakt,” says the Benedictine Congregation of Subiaco-Cassino. “We will take appropriate steps to ensure that the commission takes appropriate action.”
Communicate yourself to the monk using the words: “You can know yourself.” De congregatie zal niet verder communication “zolang het onderzoek loopt”.