Antwerp Diner benefited greatly from the 22nd edit. The guardian of the door can meet the safe tombola and open the veil that will help open and close the door. He decides to carry out the work at the Antwerp Expo and is working to get support.
Het middledel om geld bij mekaar te krijgen is top gourmet. You can easily open the dishes of Antwerp’s top chefs. The moment I met Belgian artist Koen Crucke.
Chef Tim Mulnaire of Stellen at Restaurant Hotel Frank was very hospitable. “I would like to thank all our sponsors for keeping us informed of today’s events. Mar de Spirit in de Keuken is at the top of the list. “Korega in Antwerp does the same thing”, and the chef’s cooking is amazing.
Wesley DeBord Van Madonna thought a lot about KMSKA. “Tonight is a natural world for us. Get involved in community activities. zegt de Chef.
“Het is Heel leuk om hier te werken. Howell, werken? We meet students from the same university at the university and love all Loic. We must protect everything. However, all activities at Vanderg are carried out by all chefs to provide the best possible hospitality. We would like to thank Heben Heyer Wiel Halp and Andere van Lehrlingen van Piva for the great energy we have encountered. ”, Chef Wald Stalen, Thomas Diepersloot van Feijn Fleur Aan.
An absolute ancient evening is Dennis Broeckx van Butcher’s Dining. “I have been helped for ten days. I can know myself and know myself. The behavior of the shaman is unique: iedereen helpt mekaar, En hoe je het ook draait of keert : er is geen betere manier om geld in te zamelen dan me een culinair Evenement en een dik feetje achteraf.”
safe space
This theme determines your “safe space” if you are infected with HIV. “To increase the efficiency of horses, we need to prevent fraud in the treatment of HIV infection and medical care. Mar d’Al stopped them. Belgian Zelfs are fighting a huge crisis against HIV infection. “Een op zeven mensen die leven meets hiv praat hier zelfs meets niemand over”, zegt voorzitter Dominik Jansen.
“I found a safe space when I found it in a diner in Antwerp, but I may have remained misunderstood about the stigma surrounding the infectious disease. We went to Tijdens Antwerp Diner, which is likely to be infected with the HIV virus. “We act as Hetzelfde, O hetzelhude, those who sleep in bed, to protect all Gasten.”
The specific crisis management organizations are the Fiscal and Financial Institution, the Tropisch Geneskunde Institute in Antwerp, and the Sensoa en vzw Tomorrow4isibani. De vorige editie bracht ruim 125,000 euro op. Het bedrag van 2024 is momentary.