Voter turnout –
Campus Turnhout van de Hoogeskool Thomas has to go to the university in Wetenschap on November 24th. Within 13 days, Kennismaken met the robot Freya, and Orvenen met Reanimated Poppen and Nepwonde.
A school with both sports innovation and technological innovation. Open and strengthen Wetenschap. “Campus Turnhout bruist van innovatie.”, zegt Hannelore Van Hove van Thomas More. “The students have become familiar with sports-related technology and acquired knowledge of the sports sector. They have developed a robot that uses cutting-edge sports technology. It is the most wonderful thing.”
beberlings robot
At the Skills Lab, we’re looking forward to meeting our students, Zelf en Bloodstal Pricken, and some special Offenalmen. In the center of the simulation, Dahlnast meets the robot Freya. Deelnemers charm baby robot Thomas ter Weld Brent. We were able to meet our simulator, live life, and gain invaluable experience. “You don’t need to do modern resuscitation to get feedback.”, Vertelt Hannelore Van Hove. “When we met Erkar Wergereichen, we were able to bring the whole family back to life. Information about special effects has been optimized to select more realistic ones and create a new brand.”
Enjoy all your sports at the hyper-modern FITTstudio. Students from Sprintnerheid, Spierkracht and Witthausingsvermorgen encountered educational equipment. Obtain reactievermogen via special Blazepods wards. Within the nation, I have people in their teens.