In Tbilisi, Georgia, Heben Zaterdag has voiced opinions as diverse as activist Gevord Tegen de Regering, President Van Het Land, and former professional baseball player Mikhail Kavelashvili. I oppose the horrible President Hwang Di.
Bron: Belga
Vanderg om 19:47
De Manifestanten Wormden en Menselieke Kötting Langs Deli Vier in Centrum van de Hoofdstad. Enkelen hadden Georgische en Europese vlaggen bij.
On October 26, Mr. Georgier spoke in parliament regarding the political crisis. To prevent Georgische Droom fraud, you should consider fraud prevention measures.
Pro-Russian Prime Minister Irakli Kovacidze said he joined the protests there in November with plans for European unification.
Georgië bereidt zich voor op de eedaflegging van de nieuwe President, die trou is an an de Georgische Droom: de antiwesterse voormalige Voetballer Michael Kavelasjvili. There is. The president took office in 2018 and is required to express the views of the people.