Mechelen –
Mechelen gets the most important information and studs on the net to plan accordingly. Plan to stimulate your senses with free drinking water. “We want to take the door to the balcony, we want to go”, aldus het stadsbestuur.
Activities in the same work met with partners from the management and development departments. Het Gezondheidsplan Warme Dagen moet ervoor zorgen dat de stad in de zomer voorbereid check whether the necessary conditions are met.
Plan for flexible combinations of infrastructure features. Find out specific information about your organization to give away free burgers and water. Daarnaast situeert het plan waar er open zwemwater beschikbaar is en waar er er fonteintjes zijn. De Graaf (Vooruit).
“As you sip your drink or drink, listen to your opinions and find your Create Marker attachments.” See regional information at the heart of historical research. ”, Aldous de Graaf hopes to continue collecting various information in the future. “We will do everything in our power to save ourselves and protect ourselves.”
“We want to continue our journey in the winter when we met Hitteplan”, Sekt Klimatschopen, Arthur Orleans (Vor Mechelen). “We spend our days in everyday life. In Steden Komt dahl och het hitte Eiland effect bissi. We organize burgers and provide information. We While we are undergoing renovations, water buffers will help us maintain the best possible environment.”