Herentals –
August 2023 is scheduled for 123 days in Herrental in Zomerspoor. There are no events required to eat a hamburger or do some Tweed editing. This project will be subsidized.
Piece 4 February is truly an inspiration. Zomerspoor pursues creativity and creates Koker van Enkele geëngageerde Herentalsenaren. Among the German organizations that organize Hamburger, my most important encounter with a research team was when I participated in the activities of Koper Wallin, the largest German university. Sommerspur Herrentals, Noderwijk and Molhoven are looking forward to cultural, sporting and social activities. Herentals will raise 20,000 euros in funding, obtain a grant for the project, raise start-up capital and finally begin logistics.
Daarom lanceren Zomerspoor begins the development of the burger, considers the continuation of the activity and finally prepares for a decade. “With Augustus Zien we found a new program of Sommerspoor on February 4th, February 13th in Mokhoven, in the works of Herentals.”, Sekt Tina Vanroy van Sommerspoor .
The information for February 4th is from the 19th to 8:30 pm at the Town Hall in Saal Mayer van Molenbest, and from February 13th from the 16th to 17th at the Dorphaus in Molhoven. (ho)