The Swiss experiment is very important. Your love knows your name to open your wise door.
De Kleine St Peterskapelle is the zowat de oudste kerk of Lucerne, Switzerland. Mar feels that Colt Zins Ze Mischen understands the modern world. If you install the system with the August name, you will see AI gestures in the 100 version. I met De Installation, Krieg from Deus in Machina, Kwam Vault Unit, and a local university. “This was quite an experiment,” Marco Schmidt, theologian at the Guardian. “We are committed to the work of AI-Jesus. Warover souden ze met hem platen? How do you say it? We aim to be a pioneer.”
We are conducting a real experiment to meet the avatar of St. Peter. “We discussed what avatars have what words. 10 Theologians, 10 Individuals, 10 Heiliges? I am aware of the best in reality.”
The AI avatar Knowledge meets the theologian Texten and collects various information to see if he can open the project. Jesus Antward de Onmiderik. To get information about AI-Jezus, you can get information. “Het is geen echte biecht”, Tsai Schmidt. “He’s making me sleep. Om een bicht na te bootun.”
“A spirit that lasts forever”
1,000 Mensen experiments on an operational basis in St. Peterskapelle, Feedback Fan Zone 230 help to understand the “eternal spirit”. “The moment we met the AI Jesus, we were convinced of our religion. Oh, it really was,” says Zay Schmidt.
Anderen waren niet zo blij met experiment. Zij vonden het bijvoorbeeld onmogelijk om te praten meets een machine en waren niet tevreden meets de antwoorden die de AI-Jezus had gegeben. “Ik heb de indruk dat hij soms echt Heel goed was en dat mensen ongelooflijk blij en verrast en geïinspireerd waren”, legde de theologog uit. “Andere manie niet zo goud reminiscences that moment in the missien oppelbruckiger. . Don’t think about what’s natural, find what’s unusual.”
Do various experiments. “Zo’n Jezus forever you go to me. Think of you.” Mar de Theorogue are people who respect our faith. “He is Heer Gemäkerik, Laagdrempélig Flumidel Waal je Kunt Platen than Religion, Christianity, Christerik Geruf.” This experiment has sacred knowledge, and its data is done with safety and security in mind. “The last time I met Jesus te platen. .Ze wiren jien wat dit.”