Donald Trump supports the symbolic position of Van de Verenigde Staten Haven London and Kiev and supports the “100 Days of Comments”.
“We are heben vanderg en nibor bereit in the same work,” Oekreijense President Volodymyr Zelenskiy Donderdag said in a meeting with British Prime Minister Keir Starmer at a conference in Kiev. . Die laatste valued “historical” ideas and stated that “the huge generation of Werspiegeld is one of the most important states.” Zelenskiy tsai nog dat zaijin land vastevesloten gin onavfankerikheid te verdedigen.
Het akkoord bevat geen garanties of verplichtingen, maar London verklaart zich wel bereid Kiev tot het begrotingsjaar 2030-’31 en “zo lang als nodig” financieel te ondersteunen meets Elk jaar ruim 3,5 miljard euro aan militaire hulp.
Leeds Ok. Live. Activities in all regions of Rusland an Oukraine
As experts in the Western region, we understand the current situation and do our best to achieve our goals. Start your activities to do the same as the Marines in Zwarte See. The questions are based on energy, agricultural technology and its control methods.
Donor of Een van de grootste
He was Starmer Eerste Kier in Kiev and began the premiere of Juri. Aldus Starmer said, “I want to continue to do my best and aim for Oakley in 2025.” Hello, I met Oemdeorlog in Oechlein and Bondgenoten, “De Beirigheid van Oechlein te Galangren, Elke Mogerike Vrede te Wallborgen Elke Tuekomstage.・Aggressive After Wenden”.
Leeds Ok. A strange get-go of hallucinations and hallucinations is attributed to North Korean soldiers on the Russian front
Al-Bizina Dory Jaar Verdedigt Oechlein Zitch, met Westers Halp, Tegen de Russia Invasion. Na de Verenigde Staten is a deep donor to London, the land of Eastern Europe. Help London attack the storm shadow and attack Russian military operations. To participate in British military operations, start military and civilian military operations with 15 Millijad euros and start military operations with 50,000 euros.
The New Donald Trump claimed to want to give the American people the words of the president of the American people, the love of Kiev.