A video of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Ramesh Bidhuri making derogatory remarks against Congress member Priyanka Gandhi went viral on Sunday. In the video clip, Bidhuri is heard saying, “I promise to build roads in Kalkaji ‘smoothly’, like Priyanka Gandhi’s cheeks.”
The BJP will field former MP Ramesh Biduri from Kalkaji constituency in the 2025 Delhi Assembly elections to contest against Delhi Chief Minister and AAP leader Atishi.
Bidhuri reportedly said, “(RJD leader) Lalu (Prasad Yadav) had said in Bihar that he would make the roads in the state as smooth as Hema Malini’s cheeks. Mr. Lal was lying. He did not do that.”
“But I promise you, just like we built Okhla and Sangam Vihar roads, we will make all the roads in Kalkaji as smooth as Priyanka Gandhi’s cheeks,” Bidhuri said in the video. However, Mint was unable to confirm it.
Congress leader Pawan Khera shared a viral video on X slamming Bidhuri’s “thinking” and “Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) values”.
Meanwhile, Congress Supriya Srinath criticized the Bharatiya Janata Party for being “extremely anti-women”. She said, “Ramesh Biduri’s comments about Priyanka Gandhi are not only shameful but also show his hatred towards women.”
“But what more can we expect from a man who used foul language against his fellow MPs in the Lok Sabha and went unpunished? This is the true face of the BJP,” Srinath said.
“I must apologize for this poor thinking,” she said in a post to X.
The Congress leader also targeted Prime Minister Narendra Modi over his remarks on ‘Mangalsutra’ ahead of the 2024 Lok Sabha elections.
“Will the women leaders of the Bharatiya Janata Party, the Minister for Women Development, Nadda ji, or the Prime Minister himself say anything about this bad language and mindset?In fact, the father of this anti-women language and mindset is the Mangalsutra. It is Modi himself who uses words like “And Mujra — what else will his people say?” Mr. Srinath said.
Prime Minister Modi sparked controversy last year when he accused Congress of wanting to take people’s money and property and distribute it to “people who have more children.”
“Does the government have the right to take away your hard-earned property? Money is not just for show. It is a woman’s self-worth. The value of ‘Mangalsutra’ is not limited to the price of gold. No. Are you (Congress) trying to take that away?” PM Modi said.