Lewis Brook –
Samir Meulkens (28) and Maarten van Rompa (37) play the most important roles in Kerkstrasse. Onlangs zijn ze alweer verhuisd, maar gelukkig niet ver: van nummer 147 naar nummer 127. “De ruimte is veel praktischer ingeeld”, zegt medezaakvoerder Maarten.
Samir and Maarten’s actions are very important to avoid the dangers of Treetops. “This is a very important issue,” says Bartelt Maarten. “This is the most important thing to me. We can manage all of our medical care.”
“This is the situation surrounding the recovery of Mon Aan Mond. “I met with the doctors at the hospital. I took the patient.”
Sameer Mulke
Medesarkfelder Twisverpregging Samir & Maarten
Samir Ann Maarten recognized the 147 phone number and gathered new information. “Niet Ideal, maar soms moet je springen als een kans zich voordoet”, Sekt Maarten.
You can learn information about Team Van Verplig and Solkundigen and learn their blood names. Thuisverpleging Samir&Maarten’s Workt Samen meets Medish Lab Medina. “We houden dinsdag en vrijdag afnamedagen tussen 10 en 12 uur”, Licht the toe of Samir. “Hier op kantoor, maar ook bij patiënten thuis.”
Toen Samir an Maarten was the name Maart Hun Intrek in KBC-Pand, Hun Team al-Frink Gegloid. Please confirm within 22 days within 4 days. Nog geen jaar Later zitten ze op 36 Team Reden. “With this opportunity, we will begin our work,” said Sameer. “The Veilgrotter gives us a word. In 2025, we will strengthen our team with the aim of evolving new technologies in the Onze sector. The new Cantur is the most ideal one.”
Understand your actions better and keep an eye on Samir and Maarten in Korte Tijid te Lucken. “We are staying warm, let’s hear the voice of Korega”, says Suggereert Samir als mogelijke verklaring. “This chaotic waterway will take back Mont Aan Mond. I met with the doctors at the hospital and helped treat the patients.”
Please think about Samir and Maarten, and think about yourself. “It’s risky for us to do unsolicited solicitation, but that’s a problem,” Maarten said.
Thuisverpleging Samir&Maarten are activists from Pours Sint Amand. Address: Kerkstraat 127, Ruisbroek. More information from www.thuisverpleging-samir-maarten.be