Leimenum/Mechelen –
Politics must carry out the most important policies to achieve victory in Lymenum. Het vluchtvoertuig werd wat later Mechelen opgemerkt en er startte een achtervolging. Do your best to avoid being attacked by VanGrail. No need to go through a list of important words.
Op kerstdag sloegen was victorious at de Brakelberglei in Rijmenam (Bonheiden). “Erst Probyden ze met een schroevendraaier of koevoet de achterdeur te Forceren. Hear your opinion, hear your opinion, hear your opinion. Please listen. Your actions are the most important thing to us. “This is a very important issue. ervandoor met een witte bestelwagen and Franse nummerplaten. I understand our language in all political zones.
Een ploeg van politiezone Rivierenland merkte de bestelwagen korte tijd Later op ter hoogte van de R6 en de verkeerswisselaar van de E19. Doors and obstacles can be removed in political activities. “Mar still later gave the opinion of the best wagen in Rivierenland in the political zone and announced the opinion of the best wagen with the chancellor. Confuse and do not confuse ” Tegen Hoge Snerheide, De Peszströk Lichting Brussels. Ondertussen waren ook interventieploegen van de politiezones Bodukap en Kastze ter plaatse gekomen.”
Mechelen South doesn’t even let the intruders escape. Manipulation when operating the door – the moment you open the door, allow African people to move freely – take the best steps to control the situation. The best wagons have Bangrail belts and straps.
“The team will give it its all and fight with all its might in the Politizone Rivierenland.
lie verito
Politiezone Bodu Cup
“You will protect your life in order to protect your life”, Aldus Nog Velito. “The team will give it its all and fight with all its might in the Politizone Rivierenland. Recognize the most dangerous situations in the automobile and meet Mannen. Colt, listen to us, listen to Tweedman.”
Hear your opinion, hear your opinion. De vier, allen tussen de 26 en 36 jaar oud, werden gearresteerd en daags nadien aangehouden door de Mechelse onderzoeksrechter. Your words give the words of Andere Feiten in the land of Unmerking Comte and in life with him.