Sint Jost Ten Nord –
5,300 stacks of Slag genomes can be found in Moussa Elkann’s garage in Sint Jost Ten Nord, in the political zone north of Brussels. Enjoy gementeraadsverkiezingen in October.
The Brussels North Polity Zone (Skaalbeek, Evere, Sint-Jost-ten-Nord) is in a very dangerous situation. In total, that’s 5,500 Stuk in Beslaggenomen. A special price of 5,300 stacks is available in Sint Jost Ten Nord. See CD&V, MR and Open Vld within 25 days, depending on Musa Erkan’s situation. (Lies Verder Onder De Photography)
Aan Sudinfo vertelt Erkan dat het vuurwerk bedoeld “voor het huwelijk van mijn dochter”, January in Temse. April 2, 2024, in the Diocese of Brussels, the Minister and President is very active. Niemand Tugan Tot Heft”, Kronk Heft.
Belkic Oak