Get your plans in place by the 22nd to get your federal plan in place. All information can be found in Brussels.
Bron: Belga
Vanderg 22:10am
It is dangerous to open the door, even if it has a very large impact. NMBS Obstelde Zren Maandag Twee op de Drai alternative to IC Treinen und Vier op de vijf L- en S-treinen niet rijden. Er zal ook geen enkele piekuurtrein rijden.
All those active in the center of Brussels should try not to disrupt their activities. De Bonden Hebben Alezance Bussen Ingelegged. Political activities in Brussels take place depending on the traffic situation in Brussels.
Please complete all procedures within 22 hours. Your actions will help solve various problems.
Leeds Ok. What met the sholen, the nursery, the open baal ba vor, the ruhitbar kiruan avvarofaring? Hier wordt maandag (niet) gestaakt
Gewangennissen Tot Dinsdag
Within 6 hours, please proceed within 6 hours. De do do li bonden heben teen oploe verspreid onder de reedon en verwachten teen grote opkomst. He gives voice to those who criticize “socialism and populist socialism.”
In order to plan for the Arizona Party, please make the “necessary preparations for planning and organizing activities in Frontale.” Er wordt gevreesd voor lagerepensioenen, minder Gunstige voorwaarden en langereoopbanen.