Wierde Provincial Fantwerpen
Oren United won the match against Wikeworst Sonderg 3-0.
Bron: RBFA App
Gisteren om 23:09
In the 27th minute, they play against Oren United via Joppe van Roy. We need to get a half score to see Jasper Lambrecht’s score. Oren United found the net in the 87th minute via Siele Wolput.
Oren United went through a lot to get the win, Wikevorst got the win, and they did it with all their might.
The relationship between Oren United and KFC Exc is as follows: November 24th, 2:30am. Wiekevorst gives his opinion on Dessel Sport B.
Duerpunten: 27′ Van Roy 1-0, 64′ Lambrecht 2-0, 87′ Volput 3-0.
Ger Kaalten: 34′ Wolput (Orlen United), 42′ Linders (Wikeworst), 70′ Van Roy (Orlen United), 72′ Lambrecht (Orlen United).
Oren United: Volput, Kanaerts, Persin (80′ Beten), Verhart, Bouquillon, Matthijs, Van Genechten (77′ Van den Burg), Lambrecht, Van Olmen, Van Roy, Cadi (21′) Van Eynde), Faes.
Wikevorst: Wouters, N. Vermeulen, T. van Hout, Y. Vermeulen, Heylen, Linders (53′ Deckers), M. van Hout, Verikken, N. Kre, M. Kre, Hermans, Hann. Brett, Kok, De Rijk.
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