Corrupt South Korean agents (CIO) met with South Korean President Yoon Seok-yeol. Check out South Korea’s persistent activities, Yonhap News (lokale tijd). De onderzoekers ondernemen een tweede poging om de geschorste president tearesteren.
Bron: Belga
Vanderg Homme 00:20
The President and Presidential Supervisors (PSS) are active in the standoff area. De onderzoekers en de politie hadden huiszoekingsbevelen en aanhoudingsbevelen voorgelegd, maar werden geblokkeerd. Security personnel took part in monitoring residents at barricades. The People Power Party (PPP) as a supporter of Mr. Yun should be investigated and its opinions considered. Die laatsten noemden de poging van de onderzoekers “illegal”.
Leeds Ok. Nog Koppiger and President Trump crack down on vast military action: President Yoon Seok-yeol prevents conflict with South Korean military
Those at Yonhap News have made enough efforts to conduct investigations back and forth with residents. Volgens een journalist van het Franse persagentschap AFP vielen er langs beide kanten klappen.
Political activity of $6,500 to live in the residence of Jung Anwezig. The weight of politics is 3,000 people.
Op 3 joins the Onderzokers in January to arrest Yun. A conflict between the president and the military is a very dangerous situation, very dangerous. Seoel vaardigde aanhoudingsbevelen tegen Yoon uit rechtbank confirm had gengeerd staat van beleg december 3rd and 4th. New health information will appear on January 21st. Intussen is Yoon afgezet door het parlement en geschorst.
Leeds Ok. Misinformation about the arrest of the South Korean president: Monitoring political and military activities, Yun Beskelmut
As the President, we will do the same to carry out our most important mission in South Korea.