WASHINGTON—The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) today participated in the annual Jump$tart Coalition Financial Literacy Day on Capitol Hill to promote financial literacy education.
At this event, OCC staff will engage attendees, including members of Congress, their staff, the Capitol Hill community, and the public, to promote financial literacy education and inclusion efforts and inform consumers about the role banks can play in financial education. Materials were distributed. OCC also highlighted the agency’s HelpWithMyBank.gov website, which provides links to financial information and answers to hundreds of questions on a variety of topics, including bank accounts, credit cards, consumer loans, mortgages, insurance, and more. did.
“Financial Literacy Day on Capitol Hill is an important event that draws attention to the importance of financial education, and we commend the Jumpstart Coalition and the National Endowment for Financial Education’s leadership in this area,” said Acting Comptroller General Michael J. Kennedy said. Mr. Sue. “Increasing financial literacy enables consumers to participate in the financial services field in ways that promote their financial health. We are proud of our comprehensive efforts, including through our agency Project REACh activities, the High School Scholar Internship Program (HSSIP), and our Financial Health: Vital Signs Discussion Series. .
Financial literacy is a key element in the OCC’s goal of reducing inequality and increasing equity in the federal banking system. OCC’s Project REACh (Roundtable for Economic Access and Change) brings together leaders from the banking industry, national civil rights organizations, business, and technology to increase access to credit and capital and expand financial inclusion. Masu. OCC’s HSSIP is in its fifth year of providing paid summer internships to eligible Washington, DC high school students. In 2022, Acting Inspector General Hsu will collaborate with academia, the community, and the community to explore issues related to consumer financial health, such as minority ownership of cryptocurrencies and the importance of asset building for financial health. launched the “Financial Health: Vital Signs” discussion series with industry leaders.
OCC is a member of the Financial Literacy and Education Commission (FLEC), a federal commission dedicated to financial literacy education. FLEC’s MyMoney.gov website provides resources from the OCC and 23 other member institutions to strengthen financial capabilities and increase access to financial services for all Americans.