During October 2024, Cyber Crime continued to lead the Motivations chart with 68%, up from 62.7% of September. Operations driven by Cyber Espionage ranked at number two with 13.3% down from 18.5%, and stopping, at least for the moment, the increasing trend. Hacktivism jumped ad number three with 5.8% (from 1.7%) ahead of Cyber Warfare with 5.4% down from 6.2%.
In October (as always), malware led the Attack Techniques with 26.3% up from 20.5%, once again followed by ransomware with 14.4% (it was 16.2%). Targeted attacks ranked at number three with 11.1%.
Phishing emails (19.2%), the exploitation of vulnerabilities in publicly exposed apps (4.8%), misconfigrations and vulnerable security appliances (4.4%) led the Initial Access chart.
The Distribution of Targets was led again by Multiple Organizations with 20.4% (it was 18.8%), ahead of governments (12.6%, it was 9.6% in September) and Individuals slightly up to 11.1% from 10.2%.