Runst –
Vlaams Belang moment, January 19th, new reception at GC Den Boomgaard. Hier zijn Heel wat Nationale kopstukken aanwezig. Runst Divers is the most important element.
Vlaams Belang receives a new reception. “In October 2024, there will be a state of emergency”, ranst divers get wet while eating burgers and must protest installation work. “Nugarn, we are protesters. Neen, in the Ranst welkom iederéen. We made Vanderg on Panto to Rudike’s “Krijitakti.” We are claiming Vlaams Beran Gemente. ”
On January 19th, the work “Iedereen Welkom in Ranst Divers” will be at Andere Platzen. “We want to face new situations. “We want to face new situations.”, aldus nog de burgerbeweging. I can’t.
Runst Diver is your best tool in running to understand extreme party situations and do your best to solve the problem. “We will do new activities to organize activities.”
Christer Engelen, Chef of Vlaams Beran, New Ons Ranst Today we went to the church in St. Anthony Wierling and Millegem at our new pick-up location. Hides the start of a new reception. “Het nog nodig dat ik mijzelf voorstel?” Brave families of Vlaanderen, I ask you to be more courageous. ”, Sprak ze. There is no need to increase hygiene. “Please establish a cordon in Pullenman. The spirit of democracy means the threat of file and death.” “I urge you to support our alliance partners PIT and Vrij Ranst.” Applause I will send you
If you look closely at Ranst’s plans from 2025 to 2030, it’s Geschleben who dies. Volgens haar is the most important element of Vlaams Belang te zien. Aldus Engelen complies with all regulations, complies with all regulations and prioritizes.
De woonuitbreidingsgebieden willen ze vrijwaren, “dus geen megabouwprojecten en dus geen verdere verstedelijking van onze gemeente.” The emblem of the woonuitbreidingsgebied wou laten bouwen shows the legal system for establishing social status.
“We will act with all our might, look at ourselves, and do our best to join the N-VA in Ranst. Geen autopestbeleid meer”, Jin Ze Door. The most important word to maintain social status was the encounter with Mensen, whose binding force was to respect the opinions of the Dutch people. “Erst onse Mensen!”, Sekt Engelen.