The Bij een brand can be found in Kartalkaya’s hotel on the ski slopes, Turkiye in the northwest, in everyday life. Er raakten ook 32 mensen gewond, zo prime minister van Binnenlandse Zaken Ali Yerlikaya meegedeeld.
The hotel brand costs 3.30 euros and is located in the Turkish capital Abdulaziz Aydin, Anadolu. Do what your brand does best.
The photo is from the brand staan. Videobeelden tonen ook hoe mensen via het raam willen ontsnappen meets beddenlakens die aan elkaar zijn geknoopt. Understand everything about you.
Ter plaatse zijn nog steeds tientallen brandweerwagens aanwezig. Hear the words of brand activity, ride the wind and better understand the situation on CNN Türkiye.
Words at the hotel are 230. Kartalkaya is located in Istanboer, Ankara, which means it is Skigebiden with a large population of Turkiye.