Military child-care fees vary according to family income and the local market rate. The market categories are low, standard or high. The installation commander chooses which market rate applies locally.
Fees for Defense Department child care change with the new school year. An update to the rate calculation in 2023-2024 delayed the change; and those rates were continued for 2024-2025.
The weekly rate is $340 in 2024-2025 for non-service members, such as military contractors, whose children may attend DoD child care on a space-available basis. The cap on assistance for service members’ children to attend community-based providers is $1,800 per child per month.
DoD officials told that the military services must implement the new rates by a certain date each year, typically Oct. 1. Check with your on-base, child-care office to find out which market rate applies. Learn more about military child care.
Here are the DoD child care fees for the 2024-2025 school year:
Category | total family income | standard weekly fee per child | low market option | high market option |
I | $1–$45,000 | $54 | $45 | $56 |
II | $45,001–$55,000 | $61 | $51 | $63 |
III | $55,001–$65,000 | $74 | $62 | $77 |
IV | $65,001–$77,500 | $88 | $74 | $91 |
V | $77,501–$90,000 | $104 | $88 | $108 |
VI | $90,001–$102,500 | $121 | $102 | $126 |
VII | $102,501–$115,000 | $138 | $116 | $143 |
VIII | $115,001–$130,000 | $155 | $130 | $161 |
IX | $130,001–$145,000 | $175 | $147 | $182 |
X | $145,001–$160,000 | $195 | $164 | $203 |
XI | $160,001+ | $215 | $181 | $224 |
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