Tandtechnicusmichiel Joris (33) uit Poederlee (Lille) has been through a lot and ended up spending a long time. In De tafel van Gert (Play 4) you can check all the information based on the data of Fonnis. “This is what I know and have lived my best life.”
In January, I met Kempenaar Michel Joris. Een paar maanden Later kreeg hij een bikkelharde Diagnosis: Terminal long canker. Noctance was a real loker. What Tegen Gert Verhulst did was when I went to see me. “Momenteel ik me goed, maar het afgelopen jaar hebben wel wat ups en downs gekend”, Bartelt Michel.
“In January 2023, I met Wat Sulaimen. There is no need for a doctor to consult a doctor, but a doctor does not need to consult a doctor. Take the necessary medicines to treat allergies Intussen was on the list of doctors conducting various studies.
Hoewelmichiel al enige tijd vermoeid en kortademig was what we got green onions. You can perform technical work and share various information while listening to various opinions. “Scan the latest data so that long experts can do the most work. Mijn linkerlong was used to understand the most important words. .”
Srecht Roger
We will begin diagnosing Michelle in August 2023. Canker. “Quadaldig, yen Groot Geswell, Uitgezeid. Afhankerik van het Kanker is what Anders foresees, and he can be well acquainted with Heben. “I know you, I met Loken, when I met Loken, remember the long canker, with words,” Michelle Gethuide said. We perform diagnostics to diagnose the actual situation. “De welt walt op je kop. Al je plannen stop. Die eerste dagen heb ik veel geweend en steun gezocht bij family en collega’s.”
“Working with magic is a huge undertaking and extremely dangerous.” Anders Dan Wiel Kankelpatienten Ondergaardt Michel Jean Chemo. “When I needed a new treatment, I took the medicine despite the pain and took it immediately. Your health can affect your health. En er, ontwikkeling Nog een nieuwe pil. Always try your best to plan.”
May’s Tolwen
In the Intussen activity, Michelle Oak Weir gets half a degen per week and has to change her weekly plans significantly. “Stephanie van Min Verhude helped me. Volgend jaar in me torouwen we explore toe to heel. It’s a responsibility.”
Dr. Pia Cox, the director of all of Belgium, and the organization that aims to protect Kancasor. Samen met Haar benadrukte Michael dat je waakzaam moet zijn voorlongkanker. “Loop neet langar dan dry weken rondo and een host. Go to the doctor. I feel all the lokers and the people are in danger.”
De Tafel van Gert, I’m looking forward to playing GoPlay on Play4.