Martín Larriola, ruler of Cordoba, rejects the leadership of President Cristina Kirchner and the “Atraza” of the Justice Party (PJ) and invites the Martés por la Noche Este Martés for political opinion. Please reaffirm your partisan declaration and “do not support Milais” to get judicial elections approved.
“Share the relationship with the President in the Cristina Sea”, is the plan of Luis Novarecio Al Aire de LN+. “No, no. Que Colerte”, disparo el mandatario del pajamas. Cuando le repreguntaron si “Cristina fue”, Llaryora reculó: “Yo no so quién, sería muy pedante. Argentine Kirchnerism Develop a model of Claramente. Lo hemos combat y eros a nosotros”, record.
“Para Esta Etapa Juviera Cid Mejor Otro Estilo de Condución und Dar Modernad”, Lament of Cordobes and Repso: “Includes a favor for Millay. You don’t have to share easily.”, comments. “The president is an important person, a big man.
Est no les gasta a los autoritarios
Establish a period of professional and critical review of the foundations of democracy. Your movie is the final moments of the movie.
The trial with Christina Kirchner confirms the security guarantee
Riyayola: “Maximize your chances of getting it passed.”
Tras proponer un espacio de “posición moderada, con Juan Schiaretti como conductor”, en la missma entrevista Llaryora afirmó que La Libertad Avanza está encaminada a ganar las elecciones de medio termino. ”
“It’s a question of political elections and national courage and inflation and macroeconomic intentions. We need a cure. We need a recovery. advirtió el gobernador. With the embargo, “to all intents and purposes, sino hay estacionalidad”.