Antwerp, Eerste
Mariekerke Brunst’s work 1-1 depicts Lohenhout and his life spelende. Mariekerke-Branst is the best and we have won and increased the interest of the locals. Mariekerke Brunst Creek rode a cart.
Bron: RBFA App
Gisteren om 22:54
Mariekerke-Branst will provide information within 37 minutes via Michiel Jaeken. Jul Driessens maakte gelijk named Loenhout in the 76th minute. For Victor Pepelmans van Mariekerke Brunst, I got into the cart after 96 minutes. He learned Loenhout dat er niet gewonnen werd.
The investigation of Loenhout has to determine the safe and secure conditions and the safe conditions of Mariekerke Brunst. That was Lowenhout’s life goal.
Tune in to BSK Retie on November 23rd at 19:30 to find out more about Loenhout. Mariekerke-Branst ontvangt zondag November 24th, 14:30, Zandhoven.
Duelpunten: 37′ Jaken 0-1, 76′ J. Dreessens 1-1.
Ger Kaalten: 62′ Chaika (Mariekerke Brunst), 68′ De Grief (Mariekerke Brunst), 82′ Koeken (Lehnhout), 89′ Dohoe (Mariekerke Brunst), 93′ Käse (Mariekerke Brunst).
Rohde Kart: 96 minutes Peppelmans (Marie Kerke Brunst), Loenhoud: Lenders, Bruinsels, W. Vermeilen, Aerts, Scheinen, Setsi (86 minutes R. Driessens), A. Vermeilen (49 minutes Koken), Ribbens, Rombouts, F. Van Opstal, J. Driessens, Q. Meeusen, S. Meeusen, Movileanu.
Mariekerke-Brunst: B. van Obstal, Chaika, De Clerk (46′ Kjöze), Michels, Jaken, Herremans (61′ De Bruyn), Barak, Doi, Pepelmans, Fransen (72′ Yilmaz), Al Barahi. , Neersch, de Grief.
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