Manchester City played 31 games in 19 games. De Troepen van Pep Guardiola was in charge of Liverpool at the age of 14 and did the same with Bernardo Silva. “Ik kijk naar de volgende wedsstrjd om drie punten binnen te halen,” he said in an interview with Sky Sports.
Tegen Leicester’s 2-0 victory helped manager Pep Guardiola and Manchester City win the title. We don’t know everything. He is Geun Ein Opuchiting. We are Premier League winners. We want to be the best team so we can do the best in the FA Cup.
Middenwerder Bernardo Silva gave an interview to Sky Sports. “I think at that moment we are faced with reality. I want to go to Liverpool. I want to win Zewende in the competition. I think of Liverpool’s Arsenal Kijiken. Ik kijk naar de volgende wedstrijd om daar drie punten te pakken en zo als zesde of zevende naar de vijfde plaats te gaan en dan naar de vierde en de derde plaats, enzovoort”, klinkt het bij demiddenvelder.
Title in the Portuguese city: “You can know yourself.” I want to know the best news now, who wants to vote for the Knicks, and highlights the moment in Manchester City’s title race Please. Dahl is over. Het is te laat voor ons. Mensen will aim for the most competitive team to win in January. The very construction is the reality that we condemn Heben. ”