Voter turnout –
At a distance of 33 kilometers, Turnhout Slog and Vorig Jarl influence the speed of alcohol and alcohol. You can take risks and protect yourself. “I drink alcohol”, Zei de Man.
NV (33) Bank of Turnhout is located in the city of Turnhout in cooperation with a partner. On October 28, 2024, a dispute arose regarding Mogelsk Bedrog in relations with the Huns.
“The convergence of politics in Elcar was that we had Geslagen,” said Open Bear’s Catherine Dederen. “Policy is very important and Verwondingen had. We went through a very difficult situation and were able to understand and capture the situation in Haren.” NV. When I had a Gesla pen, I immediately drank alcohol. “He knows that Spreke is Van Fisik Gewerd. Gebruik Van took drugs and had problems. The name of the resident is absolute”, in every park.
De dertiger, die vroeger al werd veroordeeld voor afpersing, diefstal en agressie, riskeert een voorwaardelijke celstraf van ten maanden. Zijn’s defender had a very important issue for his client to understand his point of view.
“I drink alcohol. “Ik functioneer niet meer”, vertelde V. aan de rechter. Vonis piece February 18th. (bvdl)