Hetty Helsmoortel en Lieven Scheire, De Maker van de Podcast Nerdland, zullen een eredoctoraat ontvangen van de UAntwerpen. University is important. De uitreiking vindt plaats op 20 maart.
Hetty Helsmoortel and Lieven Scheire research doctors with the right knowledge. Health Mortel was able to visit a medical institution and receive medical attention from a doctor. Daarnaast volgde ze ook een enjoys the drama of RICTS.
Chaile is no stranger to the cabaret group Nevnefekten. Then, as a presenter of the Team Cheile and Cheile en de Cheile programs, be sure to keep your humor in mind.
Samen met the enkele anderen maken ze of the podcast Nerdland and experienced 300,000 trips. So come on, those of you who are going to attend the Nerdland Festival, and the Wetenshaps Festival on land.
I was involved in teaching at the University of Antwerp, where I communicated with a complete network. “We have had a lot of experience in Twickeringen until we were faced with a huge encounter between men and men.” Hetty Helsmoortel and Lieven Scheire are disclosing all information. , Rector of the University of Antwerp’s Herwig Reils, is active in innovative activities, researching and experimenting with various concepts.
He learned that UAntwerpen is participating in wekende wetenschapscommunicatoren lauwert. In 1993, British television producer David Attenborough started a PhD program at a university.