De cipiers Leggen Op. 6 In December, activities begin in Vlaanderen en Brussel. Leden: There are no horses that overfeed at Gevangenissen. Words of Noctan at the Blue Gate site in Antwerp can be found in the new Gevangenis Geboud in Oren and Detentihaus. Is Marl Voldende?
Concrete example: The week starts on 12.777 days in Gewangenis, Terweil ar Mar 11.020. Het zijn cijfers die nauwelijks veranderen. Excessive verbal abuse is a dangerous start to the week and new criminals committing crimes and committing crimes.
Leeds Ok. When the Antwerp Gewangenis Volop takes place in Ambou-en-Kral in 2026, that planning will become very important.
In Kampen-al-Haren, Antwerp, we met talented people. De grootste issue is De Begijnenstraat, Gevangenis, eigenlijk van oorsprong eenaresthuis. We have 61% excess capacity, which means we have a lot of power.
Leeds Ok. Gerd Verhulst: “We need to act with all our might to solve large-scale environmental problems.”
Mathilde Steenburgen, Antwerp Gazette Take a risk, take a risk. “The hospital in Gewangennissen is onbespreekbaar. Nog meer stapelbedden opzetten is onbespreekbaar”, see the top view of FOD Justitie.
Do you know the special Gewangenisen words on earth?