Get ready within 56 minutes until Alan Jerry Lufira Luebo gives orders for KVK Ninove. I met Javan Ngoyi gelijk, who gave the name Dessel Sport.
We see that KVK Ninove wins the victory, and as a result, Dessel Sport wins, and as a result, the best performance. It was a development of KVK Ninove.
KVK Ninove will take part in the KSK robbery on November 23rd and 20th. Dessel Sport joins Jong Cercle at 7:30 p.m.
Duerpunteng: 56′ Lufira Ruebo 1-0, 63′ Ngoy 1-1.
Ger Kaalten: 60 minutes Piers (Dessel Sport), 70 minutes Marien (KVK Ninove), 80 minutes Michels (Dessel Sport), 90 minutes Sposito (Dessel Sport).
KVK NINOVE: Van der Peren, Van den Bohle, Hartfeldt, Cornan, De Vrijnd (80′ De Reijs), De Geynt (72′ Chirsung-Lunduille), Mhandi (58′ Marien), Jurkan, Meert, De Kelf, Matarese, Rufila Luebo.
Dessel Sports: Bentaib, Geukens, Tlali (83′ El Atabi), Koren, Smolders, Boons, Ngoy (90′ notes), Michiels, Sposito, Piers, Levens, Smyers, Van der Smithen, Van Keillegom, Kasumi.
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