Kviča Kvaratscheria posted an emotional video on Instagram in which he visited the Napoli club and attended a match with France PSG. Kvaratskheria’s video shoot deepened his interaction with the club’s fans, overcame contractual tensions and met the best partners.
Kvaratschelia won the 10-12 million euros and the Italian title with Napoli in 2022. The deal with Club Wild Gin is Open Break, Mar Hiji Gaff Aan Dat Hiji Wild Vertrekken by 2027. Zeer tot ontgoocheling van coach antonio conte ang heel wat fans.
Liverpool and PSG will keep Driberferdiguet, running through Georges and French clubs. The Volgens RMC Sport will be sold for PSG 70 million euros.
Watch the video on his Instagram account and watch Kvaratschelia monitor Maradona and act as cameraman. It was Toen al werd geconcludeerd dat de deal rond. You can understand the images and emotional scenes.
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