Contic –
The new pick-up in Waallos on January 11th will receive a check in the Social Cruidenia de Compagne for 500 euros. Enjoy the best symbols of Roland Peters, Maarten Ferremans and Bert Verbessum, the new Elan and the best Contiche Dorbs beer.
Please let me know your opinion. Het lokaal bestuur deed toen een oproep naar initiatieven om Kontich meer op de kaart te zetten. Contje.Consider the impulses of Leo van Geyt and Bart Neyens, Dimitri de Swart and the mutual evaluation of the South of the World starting in 2015.
Lees ook: Gemeentebestuur lanceert dorpsbier Contje
“Mar Vollig Jarl Vernamen We Dat des Oprichters Wildenstoppen”, Bartelt Roland Peters. “Darom Heben, we met Dolly de Handen in Mekal Geslagen om aan dit Berhar. We believe that we are the saboteurs.”
Conche 2.0
Underhalf opens the door immediately after opening the door start. “We say the most and think the most. We embrace Contje to embrace Contje 2.0. He enjoys heel hops in niche public spaces. We heben het sactor van sumak gemark om een breeder public te vereiken.”
“Want onze leuze means, “Here, drink Julie, here we are Kunnnen Donellen,”” says Vercondigt Roland. “Onze Missy is driving us crazy. They have a huge range of products, with Knot (9%) and Blonde Knot Tripel (8%) Contje 2.0 has an alcohol content of 6%.
sinterkler acti
Don’t make any special plans in Brengen. The organization of the Sind Volig Jahruk een Sinterklerasakti can be seen at Woonsorgsentra during Mr. van de Gordheilig’s stay. “We strive to have access to Pegode in Waallos. Social violence is necessary to maintain social status, and in order to slip our toes, we must meet Waldebon in Gert .
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