In Heel Vlaanderen’s Drinkwater Beckens, these are trifluorazine sulphur (TFA), de Kleinste PFAS variants, and angetrofen. The VRT NWS operation displays water group data. The problem is most acute in West Vlaanderen.
TFA has various restrictions in place to maximize its impact. Rebirth, Mist, Wolken, Waterlopen an Rioren Comte het Oak on Drinkwater Terrecht. He voorlopig onduidelijk wat het gezondheidsrisico precies. Landbouw contributes to the development of TFA’s industry.
The Water Group encountered large-scale underwater activity in the Waterbekkens in West Vlaanderen. Onder meer of Zillebeke, Zedelgem, Poperinge en Ieper is an area of TFA aangetroffen. Discover the Grootste Drinking Waterbed by Vlaanderen verzamelde at 924 Staren.
TFA standards show that Vlaam Minister Van Omgeving Joe Browns (CD&V) recommends 15,6 micrograms per liter of drinking water. Officials in West-Vlaanderen will visit the Water Group in Vlaamse voorzorgsdrempel. In Dutch Wallonia 2,2 micrograms gehanteerd per liter, Wat Lager dan de gemeten waarden. The other side presents the idea of a “very strange treatment” of the standard plan in Vlaanderen.
TFA ook aanwezig is in the drinking water of Brussels-en-Walloniers. De stof zou zo went to all the events in Europe.