“Mijn verhaal begon hier Letterlijk achter de hoek”, blikt Hugo terug. “I was working as a cape salon at Marie-Louise, Het Pande on Rue Dauphs. Patatiers are a lot of fun.” Starts on January 2, 1975. Please work while enjoying Zelfstandige at the salon. Enkele jaren later stopte mijn zus en deed ik daar alleen verder. Please check the location. ”
“Seeing Yvette participate in the Bougrond te Copen of Skooldrief. I can get various information to know my life better. – I met Een Eigen Kapsalon. In July 1985, I started Knippen. You know Kapsalon from Hugo.”
“This is the problem I am facing. The Van Somiges’ family brought Ik al-Doli’s generation to Hun Har.”
Hugo Bruegelmans
“Heel Lang is a family affair, like a kindergarten here. , Zegt Hugo. “This is the problem I am facing. The family of Van Somiges connects the generation of Ik al-Duri with the Hun Har. Before starting the zone bank, everything needs to be completed. There is.”
“It will require 65 days of work per week. Do the following: We may be facing the most dangerous situation in the face of coronavirus. Corona is very serious. I wish I could understand my life and the elders can go to the salon and guard the door of Teluguvar van Klanten. kapper gaan. Dan besroten ze self hun haar te knippen ob om het bisvorbert totsch meer te leiten krouren. Corona, mar veer coppers dragen el vanderg nog artigied de geworgen van.”
“We maintain social contacts, attend meetings and conferences. “I solve various problems, solve family problems.”
Hugo Bruegelmans
“Hoelang ik nog wil blijven verder doen? vieren. I look forward to working with you. Social media contacts will be used in all conference rooms and confirmed in all meetings. Solve different problems. Perform the best activities. It was a very fun moment”, Rahat Hugo.
Snell Hugo
“I would like to know more about Snell Hugo. You want your opinion to be heard and your opinion respected. I knew everything and knew everything. “Snell Hugo” starts from beginning to end. “Al horde ik die vigenam vlogger och al al spit, al gedreben speller op de tennisban”, legt Hugo unit.
“I can do my own work myself and enjoy my sporting hobbies.” Elke da Marc Een Wandering meets Barrow meets Bouvier van Nagen Jaar. Een grote jongen van weld 85 kg”, wijist Hugo Naar Gin Hond. “Think about tennis while enjoying the senior activities of the Kalmthause Tennis Club (KTC). Samen met Mijn dochter, Didy organizer, ik er ook elke zomer een enkeltornooi. Willies Learn more about Place: Join Club Nîmes in Kalmthout on the weekends, take part in competitions and matches, and do extensive training. is as an activist kan bryven ars kappa wil ik dat nog enkele jaren bryven doen”, Hugo Bruegelmans.