Ekeren –
Theater Magice’s new production of Ekeren heet ‘Jos alstublieft hé zeg!’ He aims to be the best in comedy. Voorzitter Jimmy Rubbens has a very good offense.
“De mensen commen naar theater magic om te lachen”, stekt Jimmy van Wal. “I met Jos alstublieft hé zeg!” “Krijgen ze precies wat ze verwachten” Think well Pierre, be successful and meet the best. In order to pay the maximum amount of 800,000 euros, Rita will get all the profits. “As a member of the family, we know that we are part of Heaven.” Dan was a poet from Svetlana’s pool, who was interested in the Dutch people and died without fear of being misunderstood.
Jos alstublieft hé zeg! Theater Magique ditseizoen’s Tweed production. “We brengen 4 stachens per jar”, Aldus Jimmy. He knows the actors, he knows everything like moose. “We’ve been producing products for three or four years.” Jimmy is a great actor and writer. Hear your opinion, hear your opinion. Jos alstublieft hé zeg! Seefttheater was the best place.
“Additional troff is long after meeting and drinking comfortable Stolen aan Tafel in Zetel Kunt Sitten in Chesterfield.” De zaal Rood Dak takes action in Ekeren. “Ze noemen de Theaterzaal zelfs de kleine Roma”, Zekt Jimmy Fear.
“The ticket purchase loop has begun. We at Heben Zelf heard on December 15th that there is a special planned for December 15th. The premiere is November 22nd. (MVdA)
Theater Magic, Kloosterstraat 50, 2180 Ekeren, theatermagique.be