Aalst –
Go to the town station square of Aalst and explore the city. The Côte d’Arvault arrested politicians and carried out energetic political activities, but they were politicians, and they were conducting politics from the standpoint of human beings. Politics and circumstances are at the heart of the city square.
Rondo At 5:30 p.m., Aalst police made an arrest. “He was very talkative,” said University Professor Christophe Daes (N-VA), Burgemeester. “Man must complete all procedures and perform all tasks. Everything was absolute.” The political policy of politics is the one necessary to achieve the purpose of political activity. Information. De politiediensten zijn daar uiteraard niet op ingegaan en riepen meteen versterking op.”
Additional Patrouille
“He does all the work in the stations and stations. In Brussels he is active in different fields and has a lot of information on all sides. “Mar Brisikvar Probert The station is in the most dangerous situation.”
Aalstase station is ondertussen teruggekeerd, toch wordt er niets aan het toeval overgelaten. “Vanavond zal de politie extra blijven patrouilleren”, aldus nog D’Haese. “Politics is to blame for this incident. (afternoon)