Economic status in 2039 is ranked from 24th to 32nd. Belgium is the Dahlme des Grootste Dahler of Europe. “Vergrijzing sppeelt ons parten”, Sekt Econom Koen De Leus.
Om de vijf jaar komt het toonaangevende Center for Economics and Business Research (CEBR) UK Advisory Bureau met with langetermijnvoorspellingen. In 2039, a close relationship was established. And so life on earth began. We will start economic activity in 24 months and within 32 days by 2039. Located at number 8. European Binen can confirm all information within 36 days within 28 days.
Land owners can reap significant economic benefits. The CEBR has final plans for economic growth of 1.3 percent. “This is about speaking optimistically about myself,” says Koen De Leus (BNP Paribas Fortis), who is well aware of his own financial situation. “In order to obtain a profit of 1,3 percent, we have to increase productivity. It means continuing to manage and invest in Onderzog under construction… Anders Gahan, we die 1,3 percent Neet Heylen.”
Leeds Ok. “Op den duur ben je beter af om een kuisvrouw in het zwart te betalen”
Het CEBR duidt weliswaar onze robuuste arbeidsmarkt met activities in all cities. All your knowledge is in our world and rules De Reus. “To make sense of the world of all heels, we need a population increase, but the consequences will have huge economic consequences.” (Ries Verder Onder de Grafic)
Schwarze Null
Our relationship with UK Electric Tanks is very important in overseeing our finances. “110 Percent investors must be met and investors must be monitored. Deutsland Heft die Merge Well. Waiting for the Seven Worlds with the vast anxiety of “Schwarze Null” . Mar al ze dat soden lossen, soden ze borop maatregeren kunnen nemen om de economy te onderstunen. Luxurious luxury for Geunniet on earth. Integendeel, de volgende regering moet er absoluut voor zorgen dat er eenpad gecreëerd wordt waarin onze Schuld Stabiliseert, schuldafbouw is pas voor daarna.”
Leeds Ok. Vlaamse work details
“Frankrijk groeit bijvoorbeeld trager dan ons, maar houdt in deranking welstand”, zegt De Leus. “Zo’n ranking is highly relevant. We display 30th 32nd statement. Het CEBR merkt terecht op dat Europa enorm aan het inboeten is op economisch belang. Vandaag has an economic impact of 31% and 20% This is the problem of Belgium. The huge potential of Landen Soles Bangladesh Rwanda Heben Een is the Weinig Tegenover of Europe. ”