Dune –
On January 14th and January 17th, Wim Sahlensplatz appeared on the Victory Monument in German political activities, which opened the door to Nazi surveillance. The data is 81 Jarl Gereden.
Work 14 In January 1944, the Gestapo opened and the government’s political activities began. De Agenten werden gearresteerd en afgevoerd naar concentratiekampen, waar de meesten het leven lieten. Then Worgde och Oud Burgemeester Alfons Schneider, het Hoefd van de Politier, Hetzelfde Lot. Slecht 8 van de gedeporteerden keerden terug; 35 Stiefen in Gewangenshap. The Hun utters a word to keep all order, and understands Wim Salens, and the square is Vernoemd.
He founded a committee to organize a monument to freedom in support of Wim Sahlensplaine. In an organized organization, I met all people, families, tragic people. The Antwerp political group met with the locale winner in Vereenigingen.
Practical tissue
On January 14th and 17th you can attend the Vredesmonument. De gränieten Zuillen van hetbauwerk Symbol des agents die gin gestruben, tervil de gränieten banken de named Dragen van der Oberlebenden. Living apart is Alphonse Schneider and the purpose of deportation. Central Station met politicians and Afberdingen.
The monument is located in Heldenken, on the Oberblengen hill. Vanzelf’s Splendehyde is the most important issue. He knows all things between children and children.