Internationally, he started with Frankrick and served as the manager of gear in Namaktabak. Okay, beslaggenomen, ter walde van der tien miljoen euro see tabak. The AFP holds the authority of the French Gendarmerie.
Bron: Belga
Vanderg om 16:37
Volgens de Franse autoriteiten will receive autonomous driving information in France in January 2023 and will begin regular monitoring in Rouen, Normandy. In Frankrick, find Cigarettenfabrique, who is hiding a secret. The production of Beslag Genome is small: 55 tons of Cigaretten, 50 tons of Paperwork, 18 tons of Tabakresten, Cigarettenhvar.
Belgium and the Netherlands offer a wide variety of products.
In November 2024, a new activity will begin in the Bulgarian province of Greekenland. Arresting people on the network and monitoring the network will get you results.
Vandaag rekende de Franse politie nog vier andere personen in.